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2024-02-03 04:50:17
美[pjuːtresəns]  英[pjuːtresns]
n.  腐败;腐烂


  1. in a state of progressive putrefaction
  2. the quality of rotting and becoming putrid


  1. Methods:The X-ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed. 方法对已确诊的9例距骨缺血坏死的临床X线表现进行分析。
  2. Objective:To sum up the characteristics of X-ray and clinic for astragal putrescence. 目的总结距骨缺血坏死的临床X线特点,提高对本病的诊断水平。
  3. Kinds of chronic hepatitis have the symptom of liver cell putrescence, inflammation and fibrosis. 各种病因引起的慢性肝炎,都具有肝细胞坏死、炎症及纤维化的病理特征。
  4. The astragal putrescence may be disassembled into three stage:putrescence stage,evolve stage and resume stage. 结论距骨缺血坏死可分为坏死期、进展期及修复期,坏死期极少见,而以进展期及修复期最多。
  5. The X-ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed. 方法对已确诊的9例距骨缺血坏死的临床X线表现进行分析。
  6. Results There was no obvious stimulation and irritabilily,such as turgescence,hyperaemia,hamorrhage and putrescence,in the instilling sites. 结果滴注部位未出现明显的红肿、充血、坏死等刺激反应及过敏现象,对兔红细胞未产生溶血和凝集作用。