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2024-02-03 04:51:16
美[pjuːtresənt]  英[pjuːtresnt]
adj.  将腐烂的;腐败的


  1. becoming putrid;

    "a trail lined by putrescent carcasses"


  1. A putrescent character or condition. 腐败某种腐败的特征或状况
  2. Especially the signs of the body will disappear in the putrescent corpses, so it is difficult to determine whetherthey are drowned or not. 尤其对水中腐败尸体因腐败导致一些尸体征象消失,常难以确诊溺死。
  3. The difference of the left and right cardiac muscle and the color of the heart intima of drown putrescent corpses canhelp us to determine drowning. 溺死腐败尸体左右心肌及心内膜颜色存在差异,对确诊溺死具有重要价值。
  4. The beneficial microorganisms mission is to repair the environment to its natural healthy condition, Let the harmful Contaminant putrescent microbe have no place to hiding. 有益微生物的使命是让环境修复到大自然生态良性循环的健康状态,让有害菌无藏身之处。
  5. Behind them the pair will leave a sport stripped of its integrity, its old values replaced by a superficial prosperity that can no longer conceal a putrescent core. 在他们二人的背后,这项运动被剥夺了它的正直和旧有的价值观,取而代之的是一个掩盖不住其腐烂核心的表面繁荣。
  6. a trail lined by putrescent carcasses. 腐烂的动物尸体留下了的痕迹。