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2024-02-03 04:53:17
美[pjuːtresəbəl]  英[pjuːtresɪbl]
adj.  会腐败的
n.  会腐败的东西


  1. liable to decay or spoil or become putrid


  1. There doesnt exist a technology that could be the optimal solution for putrescible wastes. 但目前这些替代技术用于处理易腐垃圾时均存在各自的缺陷。
  2. QIAO W,ZENG G R,YUAN X Z,et al.Anaerobic co-digestion of putrescible organic waste and sewage sludge[J].Journal of Agriculture Environment Science,2004,23(3):607-610. [3]乔玮;曾光明;袁兴中;等.;易腐有机废物与剩余污泥混和厌氧消化处理[J]
  3. But due to peachs sensitivity to environment, clear regional distribution of cultivating, short and concentrative mature period and soft and putrescible pulp, which lead to the difficulty for sale abroad. So the economic benefit is lower. 但桃对环境比较敏感,区域性分布与栽培现象比较明显,鲜桃的成熟期短而集中,果肉易软而极不耐贮运,由此造成产桃地区在桃熟期外销困难,经济效益不高等。
  4. A New Process and Equipment of Disposing Domestic Putrescible Waste at Source 新型易腐垃圾源头处理工艺设备
  5. Anaerobic Co - digestion of Putrescible Organic Waste and Sewage Sludge 易腐有机废物与剩余污泥混和厌氧消化处理
  6. Study of the Present Situation and Developing Tendency of Putrescible Wastes 易腐烂有机垃圾处理研究现状和发展趋势