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2024-02-03 05:01:17
美[pʊtʃɪzəm]  英[pʊtʃɪzəm]
n.  鼓吹起义;煽动暴动


  1. Eradicate putschism ideologically. (一)从思想上肃清盲动主义。
  2. In the end, it undoubtedly leads to putschism. 其结果,无疑地是要走上盲动主义的道路。
  3. Such an appraisal necessarily led to putschism in the political sphere. 在这种估量之下,就必然要产生政治上的盲动主义。
  4. In its social origins putschism is a combination of lumpen-proletarian and petty-bourgeois ideology. 盲动主义的社会来源是流氓无产者的思想和小资产阶级的思想的综合。
  5. The Party organization in the Red Army has already waged struggles against putschism, but not yet to a sufficient extent. 红军党内对盲动主义已经做了斗争,但尚不充分。
  6. For investors, the stability of the state of mind, is to avoid putschism the most crucial test in the near future. 对投资者而言,稳定心态、避免盲动是近期最关键的考验。