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2024-02-03 05:08:17
美[pʌtoʊ]  英[pʌtəʊ]
sp.  <意>n.丘比特(或男小天使)裸像


  1. Some of his poems have been putto music. 他有些诗歌已谱成曲子。
  2. Putto the negotiating committee this afternoon. 最新的报价将在今天下午向协商委员会提交。
  3. If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be putto death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will cbe on his own head. 9凡咒骂父母的,总要治死他,他咒骂了父母,他的罪要归到他身上(罪原文作血。本章同。)。
  4. putto (putti) 裸儿雕饰