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2024-02-03 05:22:17
美[pʌzlɪŋlɪ]  英[pʌzlɪŋlɪ]
adv.  使迷惑地;莫明其妙地


  1. Heart, still puzzlingly would pain?! 心,还是莫名其妙的会痛?!
  2. Difficult to understand or solve; puzzlingly intricate. 棘手的很难理解或解决的;令人困惑地错综复杂的
  3. Puzzlingly, the tuba and bass are softly playing a different song. 奇怪,低音号与低音大提琴轻声演奏着的是不一样的歌曲。
  4. Difficult to understand or solve;puzzlingly intricate. 棘手的很难理解或解决的;令人困惑地错综复杂的
  5. A fair number of the stars in the Milky Way are puzzlingly un-Milky Way-like. 银河系内有一些恒星令人颇为疑惑,因为它们看起来不太像是银河系的一员。
  6. The young man asked the blind man puzzlingly, “You are blind and can see nothing, but how do you know I am a thief? 青年疑惑不解地问盲人:“你是盲人,什么都看不见,怎么就知道我是小偷呢?”