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2024-02-03 06:38:17
美[paɪretɪk]  英[paɪretɪk]
adj.  热的;热病的;治疗热病的
n.  解热剂


  1. causing fever


  1. The pyretic acid formed by GLYCOLYSIS is broken down into acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide. 糖酵解过程中产生的丙酮酸分解为乙醛和二氧化碳。
  2. Although more urine yellow common in pyretic syndrome, but it is not unique to heat syndrome. 小便黄赤虽然多见于热证,但并非热证所独有。
  3. Results: The experiment proved that Dipseudoephedrine Glycyrrhizin can decrease the anus temperature of pyretic... 结论:甘草酸二伪麻黄碱盐有明显的解热作用;观察剂量下未见增加心率和升高血压的副作用发生。
  4. Methods Yeast was injected to rats,and endotoxin to rabbits to replicate the pyretic model. 方法给大鼠注射酵母菌,给家兔注射内毒素,复制发热模型,测定药后各时间点肛温,计算各时间点体温变化。
  5. Actually, ZHANG Zhong-jing has never mentioned the two words: meridian and fu or pyretic syndrome and sthenic syndrome. 张仲景于原文中并未提经腑两字,也未言热证、实证,实乃后世为便于归纳而有所阐发。
  6. It was discovered that the diggings preserves 6.99 billion ton coal and 3.2 billion ton pyretic in Gulin and Xuyong. 纳溪区腹地煤炭、硫铁矿资源十分丰富,其中古叙矿区探明煤炭储量69亿吨,硫铁矿32亿吨。