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2024-02-03 06:44:16
美[paɪəˌhiːlɪɒmətə]  英[paɪəˌhiːlɪɒmɪtə]
n.  太阳热力计;日温计


  1. Any of several radiometric instruments, such as a pyrheliometer, used chiefly for meteorological measurements of terrestrial and solar radiation. 日射强度表一种微辐射探测仪,如直接日射强度计,主要用于对地球及太阳辐射的气象测量
  2. An instrument in which a mirror is automatically moved so that it reflects sunlight in a constant direction. It is used with a pyrheliometer to make continuous measurements of solar radiation. 定日镜一种仪器,装有一面会自动调控的镜子,以便不断朝某一恒定方向反射日光。与太阳热量计同时使用,以保持对太阳辐射的不间断测量
  3. An instrument in which a mirror is automatically moved so that it reflects sunlight in a constant direction.It is used with a pyrheliometer to make continuous measurements of solar radiation. 定日镜一种仪器,装有一面会自动调控的镜子,以便不断朝某一恒定方向反射日光。
  4. Angstrom compensation pyrheliometer 埃斯特朗补偿太阳热量计
  5. michelison bimetallic pyrheliometer 迈克尔逊双金属直接日射计
  6. absolute ( self-calibrating ) pyrheliometer 绝对直接日射表