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2024-02-03 06:56:17
美[paɪrəbɔːreɪt]  英[paɪrəbɔːreɪt]
n.  硼砂


  1. It is suggested that in the above region boron atoms may only existin reedmergnerite [BSi_4O_(10)]~(1-) units and pyroborate [B_2O_5]~(4-) units. 认为硼原子可能仅存在于[BSi_4O_(10)]~-单位及焦硼酸盐[B_2O_5]~(4-)单位中。
  2. The paper elaborateds the methods for the magnesium salt whisker synthesis which contains magnesium pyroborate whisker、basic magnesium sulfate whisker、magnesia whisker ect. 详细阐述了硼酸镁、碱式硫酸镁晶须和氧化镁晶须等镁盐晶须的合成方法,着重介绍了镁盐晶须作为增强材料在金属铸造、复合材料、塑料等行业的应用。
  3. Keywords calcium pyroborate;electronic structure;energy band structure; 电子结构;能带结构;
  4. Keywords magnesium pyroborate whisker;flux method;alloy composite;plastic composite; 硼酸镁晶须;熔盐法;晶须增强;合金材料;塑料材料;
  5. barium pyroborate 焦硼酸钡
  6. lithium pyroborate 焦硼酸锂