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2024-02-03 07:34:17
美[ˌpaɪroʊmetəˌlɜːdʒɪ]  英[ˌpaɪərəmetəlɜːdʒɪ]
n.  火法冶金学(热冶学;火冶学)
  形容词:pyrometallurgical  名词复数:pyrometallurgies


  1. The process treating roast dust from zinc pyrometallurgy is,in general,the second roasting by rotary kiln. 处理火法炼锌高温流态化焙烧过程所产的烟尘,采用回转窑二次焙烧流程。
  2. Chinese alchemy has made great contribution to the world cultural development,It cantains pyrometallurgy and aqueous methods. 中国古代的炼丹术对世界文化发展做出重要贡献,它包括大炼法和水炼法。
  3. Two kinds of recycle technologies such as hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy for Zn/MnO2 battery and Ni/Cd battery were compared. 比较了锌锰电池、镉镍电池的湿法冶金、火法冶金两种回收技术;
  4. The traditional methods for treatment of flotation concentrates of Cu-Ni sulfide ore containing platinum-group metals are all pyrometallurgy processes. 论述了铝土矿浮选精矿拜耳法双流溶出工艺过程各阶段温度的控制依据。
  5. The sintering of lead sulphide concentrate is one of the most important procedures in lead extraction by pyrometallurgy. 硫化铅精矿烧结焙烧是火法炼铅工艺的主要工序之一,铅烧结块质量的好坏将直接影响鼓风炉还原熔炼过程和铅的回收率。
  6. This paper analyses the primary pro blems in the production of coal gas in nonferrous pyrometallurgy cor-poration,adopting Lurgi circulating fluidized bed gas generator to pro duce coal gas is the effective process to slove these problems. 对有色火法冶炼煤气生产中存在的主要问题进行了分析,结合鲁奇常压循环流化床(CFB)气化炉的特点指出采用鲁奇常压循环流化床气化炉生产煤气是解决有色火法冶炼中煤气生产问题的有效途径。