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2024-02-03 07:43:17
美[ˌpaɪrəfɒrɪk]  英[paɪərəʊfɒrɪk]
adj.  自燃的;引火花的


  1. Silane is a colorless, pyrophoric compressed gas. 硅烷是无色的、可以自燃的压缩气体。
  2. Being pyrophoric, most leaks will immediately ignite on contact with air. 由于可以自燃,大多数泄露一接触到空气立刻就会点燃。
  3. Once occuning fire in the plant, pyrophoric material leaks must be minimized for their consequences mitigated. 当火情发生时,一定要减少化学品的泄漏以减少损失。
  4. The wood "into" the kitchen, perhaps you could give : Agni has not left the "coexistence of a room" who is "pyrophoric --"? 把实木“搬进”了厨房,这或许会让你不解:干柴烈火向来是不能“共处一室”的,又有谁会“引火入室”呢?
  5. The company got a chance to show that when a customer had an accidental release of a pyrophoric gas that can ignite on contact with air.Mr. 一次一家客户不小心泄漏了一种与空气接触后可能燃烧的气体,这次事故让俞东雷的公司得到了大显身手的机会。
  6. Because of its active chemical properties,low ignition point and high combustion heat,mischmetal is fit for use as pyrophoric incendiary agents. 稀土金属燃烧剂可分为复合型和合金型两类,能自燃(或易于引燃),应用于弹药,使之具有穿甲(半穿甲)、爆破、杀伤、燃烧复合功能。