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2024-02-03 07:52:17
美[ˌpaɪrəteknɪks]  英[ˌpaɪrəteknɪks]
n.  烟火制造术;各种烟火;技巧展示


  1. (music) brilliance of display (as in the performance of music)
  2. the craft of making fireworks


  1. This is the people of our two pyrotechnics. 这是属于我们两个人的烟火.
  2. I was me, it is not the same color pyrotechnics... 但是自己内心真的能删除得了么?
  3. August 2009 China - Vulcan Pyrotechnics (Ausverkauft! 中国焰火节,好像在8月吧。。。
  4. Taiwans National Day pyrotechnics show very beautiful, thank you for coming. 台湾国庆日的烟火秀很美,谢谢大家光临。
  5. The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics. 七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟花会。
  6. The younger Aliev seemed also to have inherited the Caucasian skill of diplomatic balance, eschewing Georgian-style pyrotechnics. 但在十二月份,俄罗斯试图抬高天然气价格,这份精心保持的平衡局面渐渐发生了改变。