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2024-02-03 07:56:16
美[paɪrɒksənaɪt]  英[paɪrɒksənaɪt]
n.  辉岩


  1. A lot of enclaves named spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite derived from the mantle were fount in alkali basalt of Miocene Naitoushan period. 其中奶头山期碱性玄武岩中含有幔源的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石岩包体。
  2. The pyroxenite xenoliths could be accumulates of the high-pressure fractional crystallization of the parental magma. 辉石岩类捕虏体是由该母岩浆高压分离结晶堆积的产物。
  3. Even within the southern sector, correlation of seams in the pyroxenite series is at present uncertain. 甚至在南段之内,辉岩组中的矿层对比目前也不肯定。
  4. The main rocks in the complex are gabbro, gabbro-diabase, pyroxenite and olivine-pyroxenite etc. 杂岩体主要岩石类型为:辉长岩、辉长辉绿岩、辉石岩、橄榄辉石岩等。
  5. The garnet pyroxenite consists mainly of garnet and clinopyroxene with minor amounts of Mg-Al spinel, magnetite, tremolite, orthopyroxene, and olivine. 该石榴石辉石岩是由石榴子石、斜辉石以及镁铝尖晶石、铁矿和磁铁矿组成。
  6. China Architectural Design Company pyroxenite: I am sincerely honored Shanghai this year was one of 12 outstanding private enterprises design. 中诚建筑设计有限公司董事长石岩:很荣幸,今年获得了上海12杰出民营设计企业其中之一。