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2024-02-03 08:19:17
美[pɪks]  英[pɪks]
n.  圣体容器;货币检查箱
v.  放入货币检查箱;检查


  1. a chest in which coins from the mint are held to await assay
  2. any receptacle in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept


  1. A few characters are escaped in the PYX format. PYX格式中的几个字符是转义字符。
  2. And two streets off another locking it into a pyx . 相隔两条街,另一位把它放回圣体柜,上了锁。
  3. Moreover, PYX documents can be transformed back into XML as needed. 而且,需要时还可以将PYX文档转换回XML。
  4. The PYX format is extremely simple to describe and understand. 描述和理解PYX格式极其简单。
  5. As you will see, authoring XML using PYX does not appear to be very practical. 您将看到,使用PYX编辑XML看起来是非常不现实的。
  6. Depending on what is downstream, a transformation from XML to PYX might save a lot of work. 根据结果,从XML转换到PYX可能节省许多工作。