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2024-02-03 08:58:17
美[kjuːɑːr]  英[kjuːɑːr]
n.  四分之一(一刀纸)


  1. Qr just have a plain old bad-hair day. 或许只因为你得整天顶着一个其丑无比的发型。
  2. QR Photo to Video Converter 1.1.9 ... QR照片到视频转换器可以轻松创建娱乐相簿幻灯片....
  3. My Dad made me a stamp with my own personal QR code [wiki] on it. 我父亲曾经给我作过一个带QR密码的私人密码图章.
  4. The QR biotype had a longer bud period than the QS biotype. 两者移植后单株分蘖个数间没有什么大的差异;
  5. Some magazines and advertising catalogs also insert QR code on their pages. 一些杂志和广告目录册也将QR码写到书页上。
  6. The mathematic problem must be solved by complex QR decomposition algorithm. 这个数学题必须用复数QR分解算法解答。