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2024-02-03 09:13:17
美[kwɑːd]  英[kwɒd]
vt.  用空铅填
abbr.  空铅;铅块(=quadrat)
n.  四方院子;四胞胎之一;嵌条;成套的四件东西


  1. one of four children born at the same time from the same pregnancy
  2. a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
  3. (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences
  4. a rectangular area surrounded on all sides by buildings


  1. Cadets forming up in the barracks quad. 军队学员在军营的院子里排着队
  2. An IP address whose last quad is 0. 最后一格为0的IP地址。
  3. Are you talking about Quad Flat No-Lead package? 不会吧,你这是四面扁平无铅封装啊。;
  4. The front quad, where I lived, was floored and tented. 在我居住的四方院子的前排楼房下已经铺起地板,支起帐篷。
  5. That evening I went across the quad to visit Collins. 当天傍晚,我穿过院子去找科林斯。
  6. My quad drum give a lot, it give me stamina, and health. 我的“组合中鼓“给了我很多,它给了我毅力,耐力,健康。