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2024-02-03 09:37:16
美[kwɒdrenɪəl]  英[kwɒdrenɪəl]
adj.  连续四年的(每四年一次的)
n.  第四周年纪念


  1. Oral presentation at 23rd ICN quadrennial congress. 2005教育研暑期护理师资培训班。
  2. Olympic Games, the quadrennial event. 奥运会,四年一度的盛会。
  3. The Olympics may be the ultimate quadrennial global competition. 奥运会算是每四年一次的全球终极竞争。
  4. The highlight of international play is the quadrennial world cup competition. 其中,每四年一届的世界杯是全球最重要的赛事。
  5. The highlight of international play is the quadrennial wld cup competition. 其中,每四年一届的世界杯是最重要的赛事。
  6. On the other, it relies entirely on cooperation with governments to stage its quadrennial show. 另一方面,他完全依赖政府的合作以举办四年一度的盛会。