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2024-02-03 10:38:16
美[kwiːstəʃɪp]  英[kwiːstəʃɪp]
n.  刑事推事之职务


  1. The quaestor served in the ministry of finance. 财务官从事财政部门的服务。
  2. And whose son, in turn, when he himself was praetor, he made his quaestor. 当他自己做执政官时,依照次序他的儿子。
  3. The offices of aedile and tribune had disappeared, and by the end of the fourth century the quaestorship was on the point of disappearing. 传令官和保民官的头衔消失了,到四世纪末财务官头衔也近于消失。
  4. After his quaestorship he received Baetica by lot and then set out for Africa to settle affairs at home, as his father had died. 财务官任满后他抽签分得了巴埃提卡(行省财务官),但因为父亲亡故动身往阿非利加去了。
  5. The title of "magistrate" referred generally to any public official, who served on an annual basis, from the consul all the way down to the position of quaestor. 行政官’的头衔通常指服务一年以上,从执政官到财务官的公共官员。
  6. The Quaestor was its president. 它主要负责立法与制定政策的相关事务。