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2024-02-03 11:07:16
美[kwɑːlɪfaɪd]  英[kwɒlɪfaɪd]
adj.  有资格的;有保留的;有限制的;能胜任的


  1. meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task;

    "many qualified applicants for the job"

  2. limited or restricted; not absolute;

    "gave only qualified approval"

  3. holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill;

    "a registered pharmacist" "a registered hospital"

  4. restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man in `a tall man)
  5. contingent on something else


  1. Hes not qualified for this job.他不能胜任这项工作。
  2. We need more qualified science worker.我们需要更多合格的科学工作者。
  3. He is well qualified for the work.他有充分的资格担任该工作。
  4. Strictly speaking, hes not qualified for the job.严格说来,他没有资格做这份工作。
  5. The answer at this time must be a qualified.目前的答案必然是有保留的。
  6. Their reaction was one of qualified praise.他们的反应是一种有保留的称赞。
  7. The plan was given only qualified support.这项计划只得到有限度的支持。