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2024-02-03 11:27:16
美[kwɒntaɪl]  英[kwɒntaɪl]
n.  分位点


  1. In allusion to the disadvantages of the methods we usually use, quantile regression is introduced and the goodness of fit is improved effectively. 针对当前常用混合成本分解方法的不足,本文引入百分位数回归方法,有效提高混合成本分解的拟合优度。
  2. This paper analyzes the relationship between the stock market return and the trade volume by using quantile regression. 本文用分量回归的方法来分析中国股市收益率和成交量关系。
  3. Based on quantile regression, this paper reexamines the spillover effect of FDI in China% industry sector. 摘要本文使用分位数回归法重新审视了外资对中国工业部门的技术溢出。
  4. So we introduced and used quantile regression method, which was robust in this situation. 同时,根据以往研究经验知道,模型可能存在内生性问题,因此,本文将所有模型在所有数据集上进行内生性检验,并且首先估计不存在内生性的模型。
  5. We employ quantile regression to capture the behavior at each quantile of conditional distribution. 以普通最小平方迴归的方式来估计中小企业市场占有率时,会忽略其条件分配的差异。
  6. In the process of data processing, we mostly use path analysis and quantile regression to test model. 在数据处理过程中,本文主要利用路径分析、分位数回归等统计方法对模型进行了实证检验。