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2024-02-03 12:20:17
美[kwɔːtəs]  英[kwɔːtəs]
adj.  第四的


  1. Build environment or Quartus Maxplus available. 编译环境可用Maxplus或Quartus。
  2. Has been run through the Quartus II 5.0. 已经通过Quartus II 5.;0运行。
  3. Proceed on Viale Diaz.Take Viale Poetto towards Quartu. 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。
  4. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, saluteth you, and Quartus, a brother. 本城的司库厄辣斯托和夸尔托兄弟也问候你们。
  5. It unified Quartus II to produce the design process, and compiles successfully. 结合Quartus II给出了设计过程,并编译成功。
  6. Descartess solution of a depressed quartu equation employs the method of undetermind coefficients. 笛卡儿的分解四次方程的解法采用待定系数。