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2024-02-03 12:24:16
美[kwɔːtsɪtɪk]  英[kwɔːtsɪtɪk]
adj.  石英岩的;由石英质组成的


  1. Many natural sands are quartzitic and have been rolled by water for many years and are smooth and dull. 有许多天然石英砂、水已滚了多年,并正在顺利平淡。
  2. The new finding of two beds quartzitic conglomerate in the Ertix piedmont is sedimentary response with Altay nappe structure. 在额尔齐斯山前地带新发现两套石英质砾岩,是阿尔泰推覆构造的沉积响应。
  3. The original rock of the “Lucky Red” Sandstone is sedimentary quartzitic sandstone, which can be traced back to the Silurian period 0.438 billion years ago. 该石的原岩为沉积型石英砂岩,其形成最早可追溯至距今4.;38亿年前的志留纪时代。
  4. The reservoir lithology of oil bearing Huagang formation on Sudi structural belt in Xihu depression is mainly lithic arkose, feldspathic litharenite and feldspathic quartzitic sandstone. 摘要西湖凹陷苏堤构造带花港组油层储集岩主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩、长石石英砂岩,岩屑含量较少,岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高。
  5. The reservoir lithology of oil bearing Huagang formation on Sudi structural belt in Xihu depression is mainly lithic arkose,feldspathic litharenite and feldspathic quartzitic sandstone. 西湖凹陷苏堤构造带花港组油层储集岩主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩、长石石英砂岩,岩屑含量较少,岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高。
  6. The winding layer of RPMP mainly consists up to 90% quartzitic, oven-dried fillers (particulate-reinforced material).They do not contain any cement; 玻璃钢夹砂管道夹砂层主要是由高达90%25颗粒增强材料石英砂填料和树脂复合而成,其主要作用是能承受截面剪力,同时能与结构层(承载层)完好地粘结在一起,使管壁结构能发挥整体作用,从而增加玻璃钢管道的刚度,提高玻璃钢管道抵抗变形的能力,同时降低玻璃钢管道的成本。