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2024-02-03 13:00:16
美[kwiːzinəs]  英[kwiːzinəs]
n.  恶心


  1. a mild state of nausea
  2. inability to rest or relax or be still


  1. The queasiness at breakfast had not left her. 早饭还是让她感到要吐。
  2. This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics. 这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。
  3. Queasiness, headaches and languor afflicted her all day. 恶心、头痛和乏力整天折磨着她。
  4. This can cause queasiness, tiredness and muscle cramps. 这会导致恶心、疲倦和肌肉痉挛。
  5. Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign that hes coming down with bird flu. 它确定不了,也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆。
  6. "I felt crummy," says the normally cheerful 49-year-old."There was the fatigue and the constant queasiness. 这位患病前性格开朗的49岁女人说:"我感到情绪低落,全身疲乏,不断地头昏作呕。"