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2024-02-03 13:08:17
美[kwiːn]  英[kwiːn]
n.  王后;女王
  过去式:queened  过去分词:queened  现在分词:queening  第三人称单数:queens


  1. 王后,女王,皇后
  2. 酋长夫人,女酋长
  3. (权利、地位或相貌等)出众的女人
  4. 出类拔萃的女子,选美比赛中的王后
  5. 受崇拜的女子,女神
  6. (同类事物中)首屈一指者,胜地,首邑
  7. <口>爱妻,情妇,心上人,女友
  8. 【棋】王后
  9. 【牌】皇后
  10. <俚>同性恋男子
  11. (蜂、蚁等的)后,(育种的)母猫
  1. 使成为女王或王后,当女王
  2. 【棋】使兵变后
  3. 女王或王后般行事,摆女王的架子


  1. [C]女王,女酋长,女首领 female ruler of an independent state
  2. [C]王后 wife of a king
  3. [C]出众的女性〔地方、事物〕 woman, place or thing regarded as best or most important in some way
  4. [C]蜂王,蚁王 fertile female insect that produces eggs for the whole group
  5. [C]棋后,(纸牌的)王后 (in chess) the most powerful piece on the board, used for attack and defence; (in a pack of playing cards) any of the four cards with the picture of queen on
  6. [C]男性同性恋者 a male homosexual
  1. vt. & vi. (使…)升为后 (in chess) change (a pawn) into a queen by moving it across the board to the opponents end; be changed in this way


  1. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs
  2. a female sovereign ruler
  3. the wife or widow of a king
  4. something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind;

    "Paris is the queen of cities" "the queen of ocean liners"

  5. a competitor who holds a preeminent position
  6. offensive term for an openly homosexual man
  7. one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen
  8. (chess) the most powerful piece
  9. an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males
  10. female cat
  1. promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess
  2. become a queen;

    "her pawn queened"


  1. become queen成为女王
  2. love a queen热爱女王
  3. make sb queen拥戴…为女王
  4. praise a queen颂扬女王
  5. serve a queen为女王效劳
  6. toast a queen为女王干杯
  1. beauty queen第一美女,选美得头奖者
  2. cruel queen残忍的女王
  3. faithless queen无信誉的女王
  4. late queen先女王
  5. popular queen受臣民欢迎的女王
  6. strong queen有权势的女王
  7. weak queen软弱的女王
  1. campus queen校花
  2. movie queen影后
  1. queen mother皇太后
  1. Q- of England英国女王
  2. queen of hearts美人,红心之后


  1. The queen consort has come together with the king.王后也随同国王前来。
  2. Mary, Queen of Scots, was put to death in1587.苏格兰王后玛丽于1587年被处死。
  3. They were bowing as the king and queen walking in.当国王和王后进来时他们屈膝致敬。
  4. The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.教皇参加了伊丽莎白二世的加冕礼。
  5. They saluted the Queen by firing ten guns.他们鸣礼炮十响向女王致敬。
  6. The Queen was flanked by a retinue of bodyguards and policemen.女王左右有保镖和警察护卫着。
  7. The queen ruled her kingdom wisely.女王英明地统治着她的王国。
  8. The queen was gracious enough to invite us.女王亲切地邀请了我们。


    queen的基本意思是“女王”,是独立政体的女王、女酋长、女首领等的头衔,通常是世袭的,用作专有名词时首字母要大写,常与介词of连用。 queen也可指“皇后”,是国王的妻子,引申可表示最好或最重要的女子、地方或事物,也可表示节日或庆典中最重要的女子,常与介词of连用。 queen也可作“蜂王,蚁王”解,指为群体产卵的雌性昆虫。 queen还可指国际象棋的“后”或纸牌的“王后”,常与介词of连用。 在俚语中, queen也可作“男性同性恋者”解,指男性同性恋者中充当女人角色的那个男子,常用于贬义。
    queen用作动词的意思是“(使…)升为后”。 queen可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语。 在口语中queen常接一个没有意义的it作宾语,表示一定的情绪。