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2024-02-03 13:48:17
美[ˌkeɪsədiːjə]  英[keɪsədiːjə]
n.  油炸玉米粉饼(一种墨西哥食品;以干酪等为馅)


  1. a tortilla that is filled with cheese and heated


  1. And to be honest, that quesadilla isnt sitting so well. 老实说吧 那个油炸玉米粉饼。弄得我胃不大舒服。
  2. Leonard:A quesadilla with soy cheese for the lactose-intolerant. 莱纳德要为乳糖不能忍受人准备的配豆腐乳的油炸玉米粉饼;
  3. Cut each quesadilla into 3 or 4 wedges.Serve with remaining salsa. 上桌时将每个玉米饼切成3到4块;并淋上萨尔萨辣酱.
  4. This scrumptious sampler includes a shareable platter of Applebees Boneless Chicken Chunks,Onion Rings, Chicken Nacho Grande, and our Shrimp Quesadilla. 汇聚了苹果蜂无骨鸡块,酥香洋葱圈,至尊鸡肉拿巧和鲜虾凯萨迪亚,享受美味欢聚的乐趣!
  5. Where did you geta quesadilla? 你从哪儿弄的油炸玉米粉饼?(墨西哥食物)。
  6. Fold the tortilla back again, and cut it into 3 triangles, as if you were cutting a pie. (You dont have to cut the quesadilla into triangles, it just makes it easier for kids to eat. 再把它折起来,如果你要切成派的话,把它切成三个三角形的。