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2024-02-03 14:17:17
美[kwɪkən]  英[kwɪkən]
v.  使加快;使活跃;刺激;变快;(孕妇) 进入胎动期;变活跃
  名词:quickener  过去式:quickened  过去分词:quickened  现在分词:quickening  第三人称单数:quickens


  1. move faster;

    "The car accelerated"

  2. make keen or more acute;

    "whet my appetite"

  3. give life or energy to;

    "The cold water invigorated him"

  4. show signs of life;

    "the fetus quickened"

  5. give new life or energy to;

    "A hot soup will revive me" "This will renovate my spirits" "This treatment repaired my health"


  1. We quickened our pace.我们加快了步速。
  2. He fell behind, so he had to quicken up his pace to catch up with us.他落在后面,所以他必须加快步子赶上我们。
  3. A good debate can quicken ones mind.有意义的辩论能使人的大脑更加敏锐。
  4. These dishes can quicken your appetite.这些菜肴能刺激你的食欲。
  5. His interest is quicken by an article he has read.他读了一篇文章便兴趣大增了。
  6. Your heart beat will quicken when you run up the stairs.跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。
  7. The child quickened in her womb, ie She felt the movements of the foetus.她感到了胎动.