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2024-02-03 15:11:17
美[kwaɪnərɪ]  英[kwaɪnərɪ]
adj.  五进制的;第五位的;五倍的;五个一组或一套的
n.  五个一套或一组


  1. The quinary sector also includes domestic activities such as those performed by stay-at-home parents orhomemakers. 五部门的还包括国内的活动,如由呆在家里父母或家庭主妇。
  2. This article introduces the background of learning organization,quinary disciplines and how to improve the core competence by establishing learning hospital. 本文通过介绍学习型组织的产生背景、5项修炼以及如何通过创建学习型医院来提高医院核心竞争力作一论述。
  3. This World Expo Shanghai Participating Nations Pavilions Quinary Silver Medallion Set is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination. “世博展馆奇观五枚银质套章”经上海世博会事务协调局授权制造发行。
  4. The effect of B, Si and Pb microalloying was due to the changing of pre-solidified crystalline phases in quinary Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 and quaternary Zr65Cu17.5Al7.5Ni10 bulk amorphous alloys. B、Si及Pb微合金化是通过改变Zr52.;5Cu17
  5. There is also the notion of a "Quinary Sector" which would encompasshealthcultureand research.there is also the notion of a quinary sector which would encompass health culture and research. 还有的概念,“五区”,这将包括卫生,文化和研究。
  6. Quinary plunger pump fault diagnosis based on fuzzy set theory 五缸柱塞泵故障模糊综合诊断方法的研究