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2024-02-03 15:16:17
美[kwɪnkʌnʃəl]  英[kwɪnkʌnʃəl]
adj.  骰子的五点形;酶花形的


  1. Calyx 5- or rarely 4-partite, quincuncial, basal glands usually present. 花萼5或者很少4分裂,通常基部腺体宿存,梅花形,基部通常有腺体。
  2. Sepals free or connate at base, imbricate or quincuncial, basal glands 5 to many. 萼片离生或在基部合生,覆瓦状或,基部腺体5到很多。
  3. The public at large, pedestrians and pederasts, goldfish and spun glass palm trees, donkeys sobbing, all circulating freely through quincuncial alleys. 众人都自由自在地在五星状的胡同里过来过去,行人和男同性恋者、鱼和玻璃丝样的棕桐树,驴子在抽泣。
  4. Results from practice show that the remarkble effects of these measure on reducing the fracture of quincuncial socket have been obtained. 实践表明,该措施对消除梅花套筒破断现象效果显著。
  5. Petals 3-5, short, concave, quincuncial or imbricate in bud, distinct or rarely basally connate and adnate to staminal tube. 花瓣3-5,短,凹,在芽中覆瓦状或梅花形,离生或很少基部与雄蕊管合生和贴生。
  6. Keywords mill quincuncial socket reasons for fracture roll pressure; 轧机;梅花套筒;破断原因;轧制压力;