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2024-02-03 15:22:17
美[kwɪnestrɒl]  英[kwɪnestrɒl]
n.  [生化]炔雌醚;乙炔雌二醇环戊醚(雌激素;长效避孕片1号原料)


  1. Quinestrol in compound preparation was determined directly by using second derivative spe ctrometry. 采用二阶导数分光光度法对炔诺孕酮炔雌醚片中炔雌醚的含量进行了测定;
  2. Quinestrol in compound preparation was directly determined by using derivative spectrometry. 采用一阶导数光谱法对复方炔诺孕酮片中炔诺孕酮的含量进行了测定。
  3. We tested the effect of contraceptive compound of levonorgestrel and quinestrol (coded as EP 1) on the fertility of female Brandt?s voles, gray hamster and mid day gerbils. 本文首次报道一种由左炔诺孕酮和雌醚配伍制成的复方避孕药物 (代号 :EP 1 )对雌性布氏田鼠、灰仓鼠和子午沙鼠的不育效果 ,目的在于检验其能否用于野鼠的生育率控制。
  4. norgestrel and quinestrol tablets 炔诺孕酮(和)炔雌醚片剂
  5. Research of Synchronized Estrus in Female Mouse Model due to Levonorgestrel and Quinestrol Tablets 左炔诺孕酮炔雌醚片所致动情期同步的雌性小鼠的研制
  6. Keywords osteoporosis;therapeutic use;quinestrol;levonorgestrel;disease models;animal;rats; 骨质疏松;治疗应用;炔雌醚;左炔诺孕酮;疾病模型;动物;大鼠;