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2024-02-03 15:30:16
美[ˌkwɪnkwədʒɪnerɪən]  英[ˌkwɪŋkwədʒɪneərɪən]
adj.  五十岁一辈的
n.  五十岁一辈的人


  1. The creation of TV drama program have to follow quinquagenarian audience’ psychological need of aesthetics. 因此,电视剧创作要顺应当代中老年受众的审美心理诉求。
  2. The “positive side ” of ethnics in TV drama would satisfy quinquagenarian audience’ ethnics requirement . 电视剧中的伦理之“善”,正是满足了中老年受众的这种伦理需求。
  3. In Chinese traditional culture , quinquagenarian audience pursue the ethnic harmony and they need ethnic cares . 中国传统文化下,中老年受众追求伦理和谐、需要伦理关怀。
  4. Method Make an analysis on the causes, treatment and recovery of the hydrothorax patients, especially the young group and the quinquagenarian group. 方法:对73例胸腔积液病例特别是青年组和中老年组的病因、治疗、转归进行分析。
  5. Among the quinquagenarian group, with the age more than or equal to 40,36.7% of the causes of hydrothorax are tubercu... 结论:良恶性胸腔积液发生率与年龄有关,中老年组需注意恶性胸腔积液和结核性渗出性胸膜炎的诊断,以防误诊。
  6. Influenced by the Chinese traditional psychology of aesthetics and change of times , quinquagenarian audience’ psychology of aesthetics has its own characteristic in the family . 中老年受众的审美心理受到中国传统美学心理和时代变迁的影响,并且在家庭小群体中具有特殊的审美心理。