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2024-02-03 17:18:16
美[kwoʊθ]  英[kwəʊθ]
vt.  <古>说(过去式; 用于第一第三人称)


  1. Quoth the raven, nevermore! -E.A.Poe. 决不再说黑无呀!-e.;a
  2. See, in my thigh, quoth she, here was the sore. 你瞧我的大腿,就伤在这地方。”
  3. And it cannot come too soon, quoth this raven. 而且说来就来,这乌鸦如是说。
  4. "Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoth he. 狐狸自言自语道,“这就是给我解渴的东西。”
  5. And yet, quoth she, behold two Adons dead! 哪能受得了两个阿都尼身卧血泊中?
  6. "No more, quoth he;by heaven, I will not hear thee. “住口吧,”他说,“我发誓,决不再听你一言;