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2024-02-03 17:23:16
美  英
n.  (伊斯兰教)可兰经;古兰经


  1. the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina


  1. Recite your Quran and kneel in awe. 诵读你的古兰经并敬畏的跪着。
  2. What good does reading the Quran do? 在他以前的列使, 都已死去了。
  3. In the Quran, the Prophet also mentions not to eat meat. 在可兰经里,穆罕默德也提到不要吃肉。
  4. Not one letter of the Quran has been changed over the centuries. 经过若干世纪,古兰经未曾更改一字。
  5. Buy him a copy of the Quran and give it to him as a present. 买一本古兰经作为礼物送给他。
  6. This the month Muslims believed the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. 这个月,穆斯林认为《古兰经》是先知穆罕默德透露的。