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2024-02-03 17:28:17
美  英
abbr.  Royal Academy of Arts;英国皇家艺术院


  1. RAA pacing increased AEMD in patients with DDD pacemakers. DDD患者右心耳起搏能明显增加AEMD
  2. All of RAA patients (3/3) were responsive to CIS therapy. CIS治疗3例RAA均有效 ,而SIS治疗 1例RAA无效。
  3. RAA tested for a purchaser who wont to drive Automatic. 现在不着急卖;除非你确定真的想买车;.
  4. Renin angiotensin aldosterone(RAA) system was highly activated,while the blood pressure maintained normal. 肾素血管紧张素醛固酮(renin angiotensin aldosterone,RAA)系统活性明显升高。
  5. The diffusion coefficient of RaA atoms,being 0.071cm~2/s,was determinedusing two-filter wall deposition method. 采用壁沉积方法;测得 RaA 的扩散系数 D=0.;071cm~2/s。
  6. RAAs member airlines transported 94 percent of total regional airline industry passengers in 2001. 它的成员航空公司在2001年的旅客运输量达到支线航空工业总数的94%25。