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2024-02-03 17:44:17
美[ræbɪtər]  英[ræbɪtər]
n.  猎兔者;捕兔者


  1. The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit. 又大又凶的老鼠在跟大兔子扭斗了。
  2. He come home with two brace of rabbit in the bag. 他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了。
  3. A rabbit get catch in the blade of the reaper. 一只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了。
  4. The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears. 拳击手仍然还有对观众反应过分敏感的毛病。
  5. I saw a rabbit dive into its hole. 我看见一只兔子钻进洞。
  6. The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the hutch. 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑出来了。