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2024-02-03 17:54:16
美[ˌræbəleɪziən]  英[ˌræbəleɪziən]
adj.  粗俗幽默的;法国讽刺作家拉伯雷的


  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works;

    "Rabelaisian characters"


  1. In this play he indulged in Rabelaisian mock-lyricism,the like of which had hardly been heard on the English stage. 此剧尽情发挥了拉伯雷式的戏弄抒情,类似的风格在英国剧坛也是前所未闻的。
  2. In this play he indulged in Rabelaisian mock-lyricism, the like of which had hardly been heard on the English stage. 此剧尽情发挥了拉伯雷式的戏拟抒情,类似的风格在英国剧坛也是前所未闻的。
  3. He also poured forth showmanship, A six-footer who weighed 300 pounds or more for much of his life , he had a Rabelaisian appetite for food and fun. 他的表演才能也是取之不尽,用之不竭。他身高6英尺,一生大部分时间体重都在300磅以上,对食物和乐趣有一种拉伯雷(法国文学巨匠,笔下巨人饕餮好酒,纵情享乐--译注)式的好胃口。
  4. A Rabelaisian catalogue. 有关拉伯雷作品的目录
  5. He was a Rabelaisian figure in the Senate and in life, instantly recognizable by his shock of white hair, his florid, oversize face, his booming Boston brogue, his powerful but pained stride. 他是一个拉伯雷式的人物,无论是在参议院还是在生活中都是如此。他那浓密的白发、红润的大脸、洪亮的波士顿口音、有力但艰难的走路姿势,让人一眼就能认出来。
  6. Rabelaisian prose 具有拉伯雷风格的散文.