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2024-02-03 18:39:16
美[reɪsəlɪ]  英[reɪsɪlɪ]
adv.  津津有味地;爽快地;痛快地


  1. in a racy manner;

    "racily vernacular language"


  1. If say to cry racily, can you become firm? 如果说痛快的哭一场,是不是就可以变坚强?
  2. Children take off cotton-padded clothes, play extremely racily. 小朋友们脱掉棉衣,玩得愉快极了。
  3. How to look forward to to be able to wash a Wen Shuiyu racily at this moment. 这时多么盼望能痛痛快快地洗一个温水浴。
  4. Invite her one case when you so dinner when, she says racily, we take Thailand course together. 所以当你邀请她一起晚餐的时候,她痛快地说,我们一起去吃泰国菜吧。
  5. In other words, that your emotions can be effected affected by someone you do not to racily directly know. 换一种说法,你的情绪会被某一个你并不认识的人影响。
  6. Racily turned out young women subbed little black dresses for the customary lawn-party whites. 热辣打扮的年轻女子们为合乎习俗的草坪招待会白带替换小黑裙.