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2024-02-03 19:22:16
美[reɪdɪˌeɪtɪv]  英[reɪdɪeɪtɪv]
adj.  发光的;放热的;放射的


  1. The radiative effect of increased cloud is twofold. 云的增加对辐射有两方面的影响。
  2. Intercomparison of Radiative Codes in. 气候模式中各种辐射数据编码的相互比较。
  3. The instrument emits nocuous radiative materials. 这仪器散发有害的辐射物。
  4. Some of the excited atoms undergo radiative deexcitation. 某些受激的原子会发生辐射性退激。
  5. Nuclear explosions have released radiative particles into the sea. 核爆炸向海洋释放了放射性粒子。
  6. This apparatus emit to deleterious radiative substance. 这仪器散发有害的辐射物。