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2024-02-03 19:31:16
美[rædəˌkænd]  英[rædɪkænd]
n.  根号中的数字


  1. The quantity under a radical sign. For example,3 is the radicand of?. 被开方数根号内的数。如3是?的被开方数
  2. To emphasize the function of supervision excessively goes against the governance to financial fraudulent practice of listed companies radicand. 过分强调监管的作用,不利于根治上市公司财务舞弊行为。
  3. We start with a value for the radicand (the number whose square root we are trying to compute) and a value for the guess. 开始时,我们有了被开方数的值(现在需要做的就是算出它的平方根)和一个猜测值。
  4. radicand n. 被开方数;