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2024-02-03 19:35:17
美[rædɪsəl]  英[rædɪsəl]
n.  [植]胚根;胚轴;[解](神经、血管等的)小根;细根;[化]基;根;原子团


  1. Promotes the water content of skin, removes oxygen free radicel at the same time. 有效清除氧自由基,提供对抗污染的保护,肌肤清爽透亮一整天。
  2. The radicel in the section of planting grass relatively developed,combined with the soil tightly,reduced loss of sand. 种植牧草的小区由于牧草的毛细根系比较发达,与土壤结合比较紧密,使泥沙的流失量减少。
  3. Protects skin from the harmful effects of the environment (pollution, free radicel). 保护肌肤免受外界侵害(污染、氧自由基等);
  4. The result indicated that relativity of ratio of restiain growth of radicel, embryo of maize and incidence of maize seedling blight was high.Index of relativity were 0.925, 0.919. 结果表明,串珠镰刀菌毒素对玉米胚根、胚芽生长抑制率与玉米苗枯病田间发病率相关性较高,相关系数分别为0.;925、0
  5. Some factors such as atmosphere condition, protein, hydroxy radicel etc., which tend to be ignored generally, are the keys to controlling the shape and structure of nanocrystal. 诸如气氛、羟基、蛋白质等个别不被人们注意的因素有可能是影响纳米晶结构形貌的关键。