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2024-02-03 19:53:17
美[ˌreɪdɪoʊbaɪɒlədʒɪ]  英[reɪdɪəʊbaɪɒlədʒɪ]
n.  放射性生物学
  形容词:radiobiological  名词:radiobiologist


  1. the branch of biology that studies the effects of radiation on living organisms


  1. The past decade has witnessed an almost explosive growth of molecular radiobiology. 过去十年已经看到分子辐射生物迅猛发展。
  2. In past decade,the researches on genomic instability and bystander effects have become a hotspot of biology and radiobiology. 近10年来,对于基因组不稳定性和旁效应的研究已成为生物学和放射生物学领域的一个热点。
  3. Conclusion It is important to combine epidemiology with radiobiology in study of low dose effects of ionizing radiation. 结论放射流行病学研究与放射生物学相结合对了解低剂量电离辐射对人类是否产生诱癌效应非常必要。
  4. The importance of tumor radiobiology in radiotherapy, the content and advances oftumor radiobiology are briefly introduced. 本文概要介绍肿瘤放射生物学的内容及进展,以及其在临床放射治疗中的地位。
  5. Taking radiotherapy of tumor stem cells as a contact point, strategy designed by radiobiology can essentially solve this problem. 将肿瘤干细胞作为放射治疗的切入点,针对其放射生物学行为制订对策,才能从根本上解决问题。
  6. He is the founder of Chinas biophysics, radiobiology, cosmobiology and has made important contributions to Chinas life science and manned space program, read the statement. 作为我国现代生物学研究和教育的先行者,贝时璋开创了我国生物物理学、放射生物学和宇宙生物学,为我国生命科学和载人航天事业作出了突出贡献。