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2024-02-03 20:28:17
美[ˌreɪdiːoʊaɪəˌdaɪn]  英[reɪdɪəʊaɪəʊdiːn]
n.  [化] 放射碘


  1. Guide for the use of potassium iodide in accident of radioiodine contamination. 放射性碘污染事故时碘化钾的使用导则。
  2. Researchers detected radioiodine activity in 35 (89%) of 46 parotid glands. 研究者在46个腺体中的35个(89%25)侦测放射碘活性。
  3. Specialized radionuclide therpy performed includes radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism. 特色治疗项目主要是甲亢放射性碘治疗。
  4. Isotopic scans demonstrate a nonfunctioning (cold) nodule that does not concentrate radioiodine. 同位素扫描显示无功能(冷)节,它不能浓集射碘。
  5. W. H. Clode, Elective Uptake of radioiodine by cancer of the stomach, Surgery, 50, No. 5, 725 (1961) . 中国医学科学院情报研究室编辑,第八届国际肿瘤学会议资料综述,胃癌诊断同位素检查法,129页,1963
  6. High-dose radioiodine therapy may induce immediate and long-term side effects to patients. 本文研究了甲状腺癌病人接受大剂量131I治疗后,常见副作用的发生及其与累积治疗剂量间的关系。