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2024-02-03 20:46:17
美[reɪdɪɒmɪtrɪ]  英[reɪdɪɒmɪtrɪ]
n.  辐射线测定


  1. Radiometry technology plays an important role in nuclear safeguard. 辐射探测技术在核保障中具有十分重要的作用。
  2. This radiometrys calibration "cold" target is cold sky. 此辐射计的定标采用冷空作为低温定标源。
  3. It is theoretic foundation for when to use 1-D theory of the photothermal radiometry. 这就为何时使用一维光热辐射测量理论提供依据。
  4. Determination of Laser Processed Hardened Depth by IR Photothermal Radiometry[J]. 引用该论文 马天驰;安德煜;刘颂豪.
  5. The radiometry in oil exploration introduced in this paper is a new method of oil re-connaissance survey. 本文介绍的油气勘查中的放射性测量,是一种油气普查新方法。
  6. Use the numerical integration solution based on radiometry and the ray tracing simulation result to do curve fitting. 非线性光波导是指光波导结构中含有折射率会随电场强度而改变的介质。