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2024-02-03 21:19:16
美[ˌreɪdɪoʊteləˌfoʊn]  英[ˌreɪdɪəʊtelɪfəʊn]
n.  无线电话
v.  打无线电话
  形容词:radiotelephonic  名词:radiotelephony


  1. telephony that uses transmission by radio rather than by wire
  2. a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than along cables


  1. A radio telegraph or radiotelephone system. 无线电报系统,无线电话系统
  2. The first public test of radiotelephone service from New York to London. 纽约与伦敦之间横跨大西洋的无线电话业务首次公开测试。
  3. Hong Kong has eight public mobile radiotelephone service operators operating one analogue and 11 digital networks. 现时共有8家公共流动无线电话服务营办商营办一个模拟和11个数码系统。
  4. A joint meeting of the AIEE and the British IEE is held over radiotelephone channels, with the respective groups assembled in New York and London. AIEE和英国IEE举行联席会议,通过无线电话信道进行,各会议小组分别位于纽约和伦敦。
  5. Americans can communicate quickly with people in other countries by cable, radiotelegraph radiotelephone. 美国人可以利用海底电报、无线电报、用户电报及无线电话和他国人民通讯,迅速便捷。
  6. An international radiotelephone signal word used by aircraft and ships in distress. 呼救信号遇险的飞机、船只等使用的国际无线电呼救信号