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2024-02-03 21:45:17
美[reɪdoʊm]  英[reɪdəʊm]
n.  (雷达)天线屏蔽器;雷达天线罩


  1. a housing for a radar antenna; transparent to radio waves


  1. Let us order something at radom to full our belly. 我们随便找点东西填填肚子吧.
  2. The radome was hinged to permit easier access to the radar. 雷达天线罩以铰链方式安装以便于检修雷达。
  3. Check found birdstrike on radome and R engine air inlet. 雷达罩和右发进气道口有鸟击痕迹。
  4. The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram. 天线罩使跟踪天线的极图产生了角位移。
  5. Im not a radom girl,but,Im not a people if I am radom. 我不是一个随便的人。但我随便起来不是人。
  6. So far the material of radome limits only in the use of dielectric material. 到目前为止,天线罩的材料仅限于电介质材料。