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2024-02-03 22:13:16
美[reɪdʒ]  英[reɪdʒ]
n.  狂怒;大怒;狂暴;肆虐;风行
v.  大怒;怒斥;激烈进行;肆虐
  过去式:raged  过去分词:raged  现在分词:raging  第三人称单数:rages


  1. 狂暴
  2. 狂怒,盛怒,愤怒,愤激
  3. 肆虐
  4. 风靡一时的事物
  5. 激烈,猛烈,热烈
  6. 热望,渴望
  7. 热心,热情
  8. 热狂,疯狂
  9. 战争狂
  10. 灵感
  11. 兴奋,昂扬
  1. 发怒,发狂,动怒,大怒,大发脾气
  2. 使怒,使狂暴
  3. 大嚷大叫,大骂,怒斥
  4. 放肆,猖獗,肆虐,激烈进行,猛烈地继续下去
  5. 尽情做
  6. 狂欢作乐
  7. 狂吹
  8. 汹涌
  9. 大流行,风行,盛行
  10. 迅速蔓延,快速扩散
  11. 狂暴,激烈
  12. 聚会,庆祝(大学生用语)


  1. vi. 大发脾气 show violent anger
  2. vi. 猛烈地继续下去 continue violently


  1. a feeling of intense anger;

    "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" "his face turned red with rage"

  2. a state of extreme anger;

    "she fell into a rage and refused to answer"

  3. something that is desired intensely;

    "his rage for fame destroyed him"

  4. violent state of the elements;

    "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks"

  5. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal;

    "he always follows the latest fads" "it was all the rage that season"

  1. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
  2. be violent; as of fires and storms
  3. feel intense anger;

    "Rage against the dying of the light!"


  1. rage badly恶劣地大发脾气
  2. rage dangerously危险地继续下去
  3. rage explosively爆炸式地大发脾气
  4. rage fearfully害怕继续下去
  5. rage fiercely激烈地继续下去
  6. rage furiously难以控制地大发脾气
  7. rage impotently无能为力地继续下去
  8. rage inarticulately难懂地大发脾气
  9. rage incessantly不停地大发脾气
  10. rage inwardly生闷气
  11. rage magnificently有意义地继续下去
  12. rage mentally精神不正常地大发脾气
  13. rage momentarily瞬息间地大发脾气
  14. rage perniciously很有害地大发脾气
  1. rage against对…大发脾气
  2. rage against sbs remarks对某人的话发脾气
  3. rage against restraint愤怒地反抗
  4. rage at ones friends对朋友们大发脾气


  1. He was mad with rage.他快要气疯了。
  2. I was gnashing my teeth with rage.我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。
  3. He flew into a rage at the news.他听到这个消息勃然大怒。
  4. The storm showed elemental rage in its violence.这场风暴显示了大自然的狂暴力量。
  5. The fury talent doesnt generate any rage point anymore.这个狂暴天赋不再产生任何怒气点数。
  6. The storms rage continued.暴风雨肆虐不已。
  7. The colors pink and blue are all the rage at this moment.蓝色和粉红色现在可以说是风行一时。
  1. You are not yourself when you rage like that.你那样大发雷霆有点失常。
  2. That is why the storms rage so fiercely on the sea.这就是海上刮起这样凶猛的暴风的原因。
  3. He disappears quickly as the gale continues to rage.就在大风肆虐时,他很快消失了。
  4. The fever raged through out the country.那热病蔓延全国。


    rage的基本意思是“大怒”,指愤怒到失去了自我控制的地步,强调强烈的感情外露。rage还可表示风狂吹,浪汹涌。 rage一般用作不及物动词,表示“对…大发脾气”时接介词against,接through则表示“(战争等)激烈进行”。 在非正式的语体中, rage能引出直接引语,作“怒气冲冲地说道”解。