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2024-02-03 22:18:16
美[ræɡɪdnəs]  英[ræɡɪdnəs]
n.  破烂;粗糙


  1. a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and uneven
  2. shabbiness by virtue of being in rags


  1. I use an oily rag to clean my bike with. 我用沾满油污的碎布擦我的自行车。
  2. He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle. 他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕。
  3. He cleaned the car with an oily rag. 他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。
  4. There is not a rag to cover him. 他赤身裸体。
  5. Now lets go back to your first novel, rag doll. 现在我们转回来谈谈你的第一部小说——玩具娃娃。
  6. Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. 她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。