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2024-02-03 22:31:16
美[ræɡuː]  英[ræɡuː]
n.  (一道)蔬菜炖肉


  1. <法>(味浓)蔬菜炖肉
  2. 五香杂烩
  3. 【烹饪】浓味蔬菜炖肉
  4. 菜炖肉
  5. 一种蔬菜敦肉的食物
  1. 将…煮成菜炖肉
  2. 把…做成浓味蔬菜炖肉


  1. well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables


  1. A light pastry shell filled with a ragout of meat or fish. 酥皮馅饼一种填有肉或鱼的菜炖肉的薄馅饼皮
  2. This wine is versatile-fantastic on its own, or partner it with pasta, pizza veal ragout or steak, or more casually with antipasto or Mexican food. 这款酒既可用于自己享用又可以和朋友们一起分享;搭配意大利面;比萨;小牛肉汤;烤鱼片或一些常用的开胃莱及墨西哥莱肴.
  3. You can enjoy it directly by mixing with coffee, milk, ragout or functional drink.Children can have breakfast of sweet crispy snack. 玉米片的营养丰富且比较均衡,是不可多得的谷物类早餐食品,通常与牛奶一起食用。
  4. For breakfast the next day, it was gammon steak (think jambon) and red capsicum ragout or an excellent warm smoked salmon crepe with asparagus, or the usual eggs to order. 次日早餐吃的是腌肉排、红辣椒蔬菜炖肉片,或者可选美味的热烟熏三文鱼饼配芦笋,还可要家常的鸡蛋。
  5. And as for Mr. Hurst,by whom Elizabeth sat,he was an indolent man,who lived only to eat,drink,and play at cards,who,when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout,had nothing to say to her. 再说到赫斯脱先生,他就坐在伊丽莎白身旁,他天生一副懒骨头,活在世上就是为了吃、喝、玩牌,他听到伊丽莎白宁可吃一碟普通的菜而不喜欢吃烩肉,便和她谈不上劲了。
  6. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her. 再说到赫斯脱先生,他就坐在伊丽莎白身旁,他天生一副懒骨头,活在世上就是为了吃、喝、玩牌,他听到伊丽莎白宁可吃一碟普通的菜而不喜欢吃烩肉,便和她谈不上劲了。