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2024-02-03 22:47:16
美[reɪlkɑːr]  英[reɪlkɑː(r)]
n.  有轨车


  1. a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad;

    "three cars had jumped the rails"


  1. Handle railcar order orders and car placement tracking. 处理机车为了订单和汽车安插跟踪。
  2. Ge Yaqin, the president of Changzhou Railcar Propulsion Engineering R&D Center. 戈亚琴,常州轨道车辆牵引传动工程技术研究中心总经理。
  3. The task is to construct an intelligent railcar system for urban transport on the computer. 本赛题采用计算机模拟(仿真)来建造一个智能化城市轨道交通系统。
  4. Time-space network is a popular and effective method in research on dynamic railcar operation. 时空网是研究铁路动态车流组织的一种有效方法。
  5. We also offer large scale mechanical and electrical installation of railcar, truck, and bus maintenance equipment . 我们还提供大量轨车,卡车和巴士维修设备。
  6. Another railcar photo. Note the outer roadwheels stacked at the rear after removal for transport. 另外一张虎式坦克群装载火车运输的照片;其作战用的宽履带放在坦克的前面.