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2024-02-03 23:20:17
美[reɪnmeɪkər]  英[reɪnmeɪkə(r)]
n.  唤雨巫师;人造雨实验者


  1. executive who is very successful in bringing in business to his company or firm
  2. American Indian medicine man who attempt to make it rain


  1. Rainmaker fish where the big fish are. 造雨人一向都在有大鱼的地方钓鱼。
  2. His good connections make him an ideal rainmaker. 他有门路,神通广大,是说项的理想人选。
  3. The Rainmaker determines how the customer is benefited directly and personally. 造雨人能准确了解顾客的直接获益和个人利益。
  4. Iron Maiden - Rainmaker, Arch Enemy - Star Breaker, Rammstein - Eifersucht. 当然,还有万年不变的水蜜桃挽歌。
  5. The evil ones are such as Feng Pure Eye, who practises black art to murder others.Nun Xi is a self-assumed rainmaker. 但是在故事情节的具体叙述上,又把他们描述成正面角色。
  6. He was also the closest witness to Bryants fourth-quarter turnaround jumper, forcing him to alter the trajectory into rainmaker territory. 而且他更是近距离的见证了科比在第四节的那个转身后仰跳投命中,那个超高弧度,迫使他在主场不得不缴枪投降。