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2024-02-03 23:40:17
美[rɑːdʒə]  英[rɑːdʒə]
n.  <印> 王侯; 首长


  1. a prince or king in India


  1. All they had were of course at the disposal of the Rajah. 他们所有的一切当然都得听凭王公的支配。
  2. What money he could lay his hands on he spent like anIndian rajah. 凡是能弄到手的钱,他花起来象一位印度王子。
  3. What money he could lay his hands on he spent like an Indian rajah. 他能够占有他像一位印度王公一样花销的钱。
  4. He is better than a common Rajah,"retorted Jenny,"hes a thousand times better. 他可比一般的王公强,"珍妮反击,"他比他们强多了。
  5. What money he could lay his hands on, he spent like an Indian rajah. 只要他能够搞到钱,他挥金如土就像印度君主那样。
  6. A king or prince in India ranking above a rajah,especially the sovereign of one of the former native states. 王公地位在邦主之上的印度国王或贵族,尤指从前某一土著王国的君主